Thursday, March 1, 2018

Using Pinterest for easy garden design

The post Using Pinterest for easy garden design appeared first on Miss Smarty Plants.

Today I am writing a short article on how I use Pinterest for easy garden design tools. Yes, Pinterest can become a black hole of time spent looking endlessly at home decor, gardens, plants, pets and everything else I never even knew I wanted.  But, it can also be inspirational, insightful and help you organize your thoughts. I swear, Pinterest really can help with easy garden design and especially plant selection.

Pinterest for easy garden design tools

Plant Selection

Okay, I admit that some direction is needed. Do you have an idea in mind? One of my projects last summer was adding a new mixed perennial and shrub bed outside of our kitchen window and near our back deck. One new bed a year has been my self imposed limit!  I really appreciate gardens that are well planned and have color combinations that compliment the plants. Lyndale Park Gardens always comes to mind for me when I think of very thoughtful color design.

I decided that I wanted this new bed to have a combination of purple, orange and chartreuse. Bright and vibrant, this bed will not have room for reds, pinks or yellows. One of the reasons I started my Pinterest board was to help me see the plants I was considering together and this easy garden design tool also helped me eliminate plants where the colors were just not compatible (sorry, lupines).


Below shows a screenshot of my board for this flower bed. You can see the actual Pinterest board HERE and explore the full potential plant palette. I don’t think this bed will ever include all of these plants, but it is a great visual to see what looks good together and what doesn’t. It also helps me to make sure I am only purchasing, and pinning, zone appropriate plants.


Pinterest for easy garden design tools

Plant Records

In addition to helping me decide what I wanted to buy throughout the season, or start from seed, this board also serves as a way to record what I buy. For instance, PowWow Echinacea was on sale one afternoon so I picked up several of these. While this cultivar was not specified on my “New Flower Bed” board, I searched for an image of this to add. This will help me remember the varieties of plants far longer than I am able to keep track of the tags.

Pinterest for easy garden design tools


I should mention that the label for this board, “New Flower Bed,” was far from inspirational. I’ve since changed it to “Backyard Deck Bed” to help specify where these are at, and because I know there will be another new flower bed in my future!

Curious what this actually looks like?  Stay tuned for an update to come.

The post Using Pinterest for easy garden design appeared first on Miss Smarty Plants.

from Miss Smarty Plants

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