Friday, April 6, 2018

Easter with Cherry Blossoms and Tourists by Susan Harris

Midday Easter Sunday I took the subway downtown with my new bike (love it!) to check out the cherry blossoms and see what other plants might be putting on a show for the tourists.  On the trip I noticed people in costume and learned that they were on their way to Awesome Con, which is DC’s version of Comic Con. One attendee happy to pose for my camera was dressed as poison ivy. (Hey, if it’s plant-related, it’s fodder for a garden blog.)

The sky was grey and cloudy and the cherry blossoms not quite at their peak, so I hope you’ll forgive the less than gorgeous iPhone photography. The conditions weren’t stopping the swarms of visitors at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial from memorializing the day.

Readers may remember that I’m not a fan of this memorial, but I was happy to see that it’s looking a bit more welcoming after four years of plant growth. (Too bad there aren’t any plants to do that for an even less popular national memorial in DC.)

And it’s great to see how meaningful this memorial is to its many visitors, including these brides-to-be.

The next stop around the Tidal Basin was the much-loved FDR Memorial, and in this case, critics and gardeners share the love. Visitors here are allowed to get up close with this statue of Franklin (with a replica of the wheelchair he designed himself) and another one of Eleanor.

Next stop, the Enid Haupt Garden in front of the Smithsonian Castle, a garden that may soon change dramatically if the (very unpopular) redesign plans go through.

No cherry blossoms here, but the even-more-photogenic magnolias were in full bloom and offering plenty of photo ops.

Next door in the Ripley Garden I noticed something new – a beehouse! Horticulturist Janet Draper helpfully added a sign that says: “Even bugs need a home! Nooks and crannies provide shelter for overwintering insects. Look around for other examples. Leave a little messiness for our struggling bees and other insects in your own Garden.”

My last photos are of the special Easter Sunday dinners that I witnessed and enjoyed myself – menu items from nearby food trucks, and al fresco seating with an unparalleled view.

Easter with Cherry Blossoms and Tourists originally appeared on Garden Rant on April 5, 2018.

from Garden Rant

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