Monday, July 9, 2018

Garden Maintenance Tasks You Shouldn’t Neglect In the Summer

The post Garden Maintenance Tasks You Shouldn’t Neglect In the Summer appeared first on Miss Smarty Plants.

If you would like to make your garden look fresh, lush, and impressive all through the summer, you should make sure that you are not neglecting some of the most important tasks that help your plants grow and stay healthy. With the heat of the summer, insects and parasites will arrive, threatening your harvest and your beautiful shrubs. Below you will find a few tips on how to stay on top of your summer garden.

Getting Rid of Infected Branches or Plants

No matter how well you have tried to prevent common tree and fruit diseases, chances are that the lack of rain and the abundance of sunshine have attracted some. If you have found any infections, nests, or sign of parasites, it is not only important to wash your trees and fruit plants, but you also have to get rid or the affected branches. You might want to invest in professional Chain Cutting equipment to prevent the infection to spread throughout the plant.  

Feeding Your Grass

Even if it rains regularly during the summer, and you don’t have to water your lawn, it is important that you use feed to keep it strong and lush. In case you  have kids or pets, your lawn will have a lot of pressure to endure, so it is important that you get rid of the dry grass and feed your grass to look its best.

Repairing Patches

It is inevitable to have patches in the lawn, if you have kids or pets, or wildlife visiting. Whether you lie on the lawn and sunbathe or play football, you will have patches. There are some great fast-growing patch repair kits that will help you restore the shine and the strength of your lawn. You might consider choosing a lawn seed variety that is able to withstand the traffic and the dry weather as well.

Natural Insect Repellents

To keep insects and parasites at bay, you might want to create your own organic fruit spray that will keep them away. From bicarbonate soda to common soap and lemon juice, as well as the more prevalent cayenne pepper, there are several ingredients that will not pose a health risk on your family or the wildlife. You can still grow organic vegetables and fruit and keep the pests away.

Cutting Back Bushes after Fruits Have Ripened

To keep your garden in a tip-top condition in the summer, always cut back the bushes once the flowers are dry, or – in case of fruit shrubs – cut the branches after the fruit has been harvested. If you leave the dry flowers or stems on, you might have to deal with dry branches and dead plants later on in the year.

If you want to make sure that you and your guests can enjoy the garden throughout the summer, stay on top of your lawn maintenance, cut back bushes and branches, and prevent infestation by using an organic insect repellent spray. This way, you can have a garden you can be proud of.


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The post Garden Maintenance Tasks You Shouldn’t Neglect In the Summer appeared first on Miss Smarty Plants.

from Miss Smarty Plants

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