Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Still and serene

You’ve just seen beautiful color images of Buffalo gardens in July. Western New York doesn’t quite look like that now. Color is not the first thing I think of when I do that initial glance out the window, to see what it’s like out and check whether the plow guy got to our back alley.

When I review the many, many images I have of WNY in winter, I am struck by the pure beauty of white, black, and gray, with occasional flashes of silver. Often, on the way to work, I want to pull over and somehow capture an acceptable image of the sparkling white tree canopy that lines the street I usually take. I don’t, because none of the pictures I get really do the job and it will make me late.

Comparing these photos to the busy color and floral incident of a summer image, I kind of have to prefer the winter scenes. As images. These views give me all I could ever want or need in terms of “winter interest,” so much so that I don’t worry about planning for such interest in my own garden.

These are a rest for the eyes, just like the rest we’re getting from our usual spring–fall garden schedules.

Images in these posts were taken at various times over the past few winters in WNY, including Niagara Falls.

Still and serene originally appeared on GardenRant on February 12, 2019.

from GardenRant http://bit.ly/2GFvb0I

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