Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Gardening Tips For When It Gets Cold

The post Gardening Tips For When It Gets Cold appeared first on Miss Smarty Plants.

Trying to do your gardening when it’s freezing cold outside is not everyone’s idea of fun. However, just because the sun has stopped shining, doesn’t mean your plants can survive and thrive on their own. Here are some helpful gardening tips for when it gets cold to help maintain your beautiful garden.

Keep On Top Of Any Weeds

Weeds can be a nuisance and can affect the growth of your garden and plants in general. If you’re not going out and pulling up these weeds, you might be harming your plants and flowers for the warmer months when it’s time for them to bloom. So try to keep on top of the weeds as often as you can. Try to do this during the daytime so that you have the available daylight to see all of the weeds in the ground visibly.

Protect Water Features

Any water feature that you have will need to be protected from frost. Be sure to keep the water running on these features in order for the pipes do not freeze up. You might benefit from getting a Sta-Rite booster pump to keep the water flow at a good constant pressure. Wrap your piping outside the home with insulation to keep them warm. There’s nothing worse than having burst pipes. Give any vulnerable features protection and look for a protective coating that you can apply to certain materials in order to protect them from going rusty in the rain.

Unique water features

Build Structures To Protect Sensitive Plants

Not every plant or flower is going to be able to last the winter weather, especially as frost can damage the plant and makes it go dormant. So you might want to think about building some protective structures that will take care of the more sensitive plants. There’s plenty of gardening accessories out there to choose from, so pick something that’s going to stop heavy rainfall and snow from weighing down the plants or causing damage. There’s plenty of inspiration online if you’re struggling with ideas.

pinecones covered in snow

Use Lighting To Add Warmth

There is not much you can really do to help keep your plants warm when they’re exposed to the open air. However, certain lights can produce a lot of heat, and so you may find that draping some fairy lights or installing warm lights around certain areas of the garden will be beneficial for keeping the frost off your plants. Lights can also provide your garden with a more inviting feel and so you might find yourself spending more time out there anyway.

Maintaining your garden over the winter can be difficult, but it’s certainly worth investing some time into your outdoor space in order to keep it looking presentable. Do what you can to keep your plants safe so that they can be ready to come alive again once the cold weather moves on and the warmer weather comes about.

Winter interest in the garden

The post Gardening Tips For When It Gets Cold appeared first on Miss Smarty Plants.

from Miss Smarty Plants

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