Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Top Tips for Getting Your Garden Ready for Winter

The post Top Tips for Getting Your Garden Ready for Winter appeared first on Miss Smarty Plants.

As we move into winter and the temperature drops, it’s essential to prepare your garden – no matter how small – for the change in seasons. It’s especially crucial if you want to have your garden looking well during the spring and summer months when it is a joy to be wandering around.

Here are some top tips to help you:

Remove fallen leaves

Rake up any fallen leaves, especially from pathways as they can be slippery. However, don’t just throw the leaves away, use them to make leaf matter. It will take about eight months to decay, but it is so worth it for your plants or vegetables.

Prepare plants for colder weather

Cover any plants that don’t like frost with bubble wrap or hessian sacks. This will protect the roots of the plant from any frost damage. This is particularly useful if you have plants in pots as often the frost can cause plant pots to crack. If you are growing vegetables, cover these with fleece.

pinecones covered in snow


If you have overgrown trees, now is the time to use a professional. Making use of tree trimming services in your area will ensure your trees are pruned correctly and shaped. This will ensure they don’t overhang or cause a shadow over any of your plants that like sunshine.

Look after your lawn

During a time when lawns are no longer growing, it is a good idea to remove any thatch or moss. This will aerate the lawn and have it looking its best during the hotter months.

Don’t forget the wildlife

It is so important to look after the wildlife in your garden, especially over the colder months. You can do this by feeding the birds. You could also consider adding in a water bath too.

Protect your garden furniture

The colder months mean that any garden furniture that is left out often gets damaged. If your furniture is wood, then give it a coat of preservative to ensure it doesn’t crack or damage over winter.  Another option is to bring your furniture inside if you have room. Alternatively, you can purchase a table cover to keep your furniture dry during the winter season.

Protect outside taps

If the weather does get really cold and you have outside taps, you don’t want them to freeze. This can cause untold damage and be costly. You can stop a burst pipe happening by using insulation on any exposed pipes and taps. This is an excellent prevention tip.

Winter interest in the gardenWinter interest in the garden

Plan for the growing season

Winter is often a time when you can take stock of how your garden has performed over the warmer months. Do you want to grow more plants? Do you want to grow vegetables? Did the plants perform well in their current location? You can answer all these questions during winter, which will allow you to plan for the growing season ahead.

These are just a few tips to help you in the garden this winter. It is a great time to reflect on your growing season and plan ahead. Preparing your garden for winter will save you so much time when it comes round to the growing season again.

The post Top Tips for Getting Your Garden Ready for Winter appeared first on Miss Smarty Plants.

from Miss Smarty Plants

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